Thursday, July 13, 2017

This page is meant to show how the ASMR collection is transpiring.
Yes, I'm aware that major channels are missing from this page since the 2017 additions haven't been added yet.
But, major headway has been made thusfar. Correctly alphabetizing the various sites.
Note: ON ocassion, I will reluctantly be adding commentary.
I realize that it's annoying.
But there are so many sites... they need to be eventually catatorized according to type, popularity, and whether or not they are active.

A | B | C |D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N |O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | A | B | X | Y | Z | # | - |

Acerting Art | AccidentallyGraceful | adreambeam | Aeoliah | Air Light АСМР | albinwhisperland | AlexAu·ASMR | AMALZD | Amandineleloup ASMR | AppreciateASMR | Ardra Neala | ArielASMR | ArwenSharp·Reads | ASindyASMR | TheASMR alpaca | The ASMR Angel | asmr·aurette | ASMR BARBER ☆ | Asmr Beans | ASMRByDesign | AsmrBylisa | Asmr Chile | ASMR Circus | ASMR Couple | AsmrDestiny | ASMR didibandy | ASMRer | ASMR forThe·Masses | AsmrGains | ASMRhq | asmrista fan | ASMR Kitten | AsmrLOA | ASMRmania | ASMRmania (English) | ASMRmassage | asmr·Novastar | ASMR peaceful pleasure | ☆ ASMRrequests ☆ | ASMRose | ASMRsisters (inactive) | ASMRsisters1 | asmr.SleepStream | ASMR Sounds by Sophie | ASMR·Therapist | AsmrTREK | ASMRvelous | asmrVids | | Audio Entertainment | AuroraWhispers | aufstieg5dimension | AustinsTrunk | -- | aylaAsmr | later | later ||| Asmr Chile |




Sachi Asmr | Sarah C LaBrie | Pag Sass·E·snacks | paul Santisi Savannahs Voice | ScarlettASMR | ScenicVideos | ScorpioAnnYT | SelfHypnosisSkills | SensorAdi ASMR | sensuallyserene | Serenity Studio | TheSharkHunter007 | SilentCitadel | Sirène Bio (Français) | Skyes ASMR | Slavenc Mbyl | SleepEzyTonight | Sleep Music6 (video) | Sleep Music7 (video) | SleepMusicRelaxZone | asmr.SleepStream | SmilingWhisper | SmoothMusicXX | SnarkyWhispers | SoftAnnaPL | Softy Sharry | Softly Galoshes | Softly Whispered | Soft Serenity ASMR | SoftSoundWhispers | The Sound Of Silence ASMR | SoundSculptures | Source Vibrations | TheSpiritualCatalyst (new age) | Spiritual Moment | ·Springbok ASMR· | The StarlightWhisper | RelaxMe online (Jason Stephenson) | Success Audiobooks | superchillumASMR | Susan Howell (narrator) | Susannah is a Dream | SweetSeductiveASMR | SweetWhispers4U | ||| SpiritScience (na) | Sirène Bio (Français) | (Spanish) Whisper Princess | Source Vibrations (mountain mystic) | susurrosdelsurr (espanol) | later | later | later |


stuff here X

stuff here Z
ZenSpiritLight | later | later |

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This list is based upon the ASMR project:

1 comment:

  1. Satnaam Shri Waheguru : This is a Sikh mantra which literally means Satnam—True Name, Waheguru—The wonderful Guru or teacher. However from religious point of view it means “wahe”—wonderous, “gu” means darkness and “ru”means light, which totally means the wonderful God who removes the darkness of ignorance and through the light shows the path of knowledge, truth and enlightenment. This is also used as a main mantra or mool mantra called as the “gurumantra”.
